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Input- Python- Alpha Codist

input, input(), Learn Python, input is used to get input. just use input() to get input from the user. You can get input, pass it to a variable, and use that to make something. Python Problems, programming, java, software, PHP, C programming, programming languages, visual, Pascal, Perl, XML program, UNIX, cyber program, C++, HTML, CSS, Python syntax, software, what is computer, programming, programming languages, computer programming, what is coding, what is programming, contract programming, need a programmer, cyber program, tmbmnadim, Alpha Codist, python, Alpha Codist, blogger, Python problems to solve, pythopn free corse, get python corse for free, Learn Python for free


input is used to get input. just use input() to get input from the user. You can get input, pass it to a variable, and use that to make something.


# Input
input("Name: ")


input, input(), Learn Python, input is used to get input. just use input() to get input from the user. You can get input, pass it to a variable, and use that to make something.  Python Problems, programming, java, software, PHP, C programming, programming languages, visual, Pascal, Perl, XML program, UNIX, cyber program, C++, HTML, CSS, Python syntax, software, what is computer, programming, programming languages, computer programming, what is coding, what is programming, contract programming, need a programmer, cyber program, tmbmnadim, Alpha Codist, python, Alpha Codist, blogger, Python problems to solve, pythopn free corse, get python corse for free, Learn Python for free

If you want to let the user know what he/she should enter you can use a string inside the input tag.


# Input

name = input("Name: ")
print("Hello " + name) # this combins hello and the variable name.


input, input(), Learn Python, input is used to get input. just use input() to get input from the user. You can get input, pass it to a variable, and use that to make something.  Python Problems, programming, java, software, PHP, C programming, programming languages, visual, Pascal, Perl, XML program, UNIX, cyber program, C++, HTML, CSS, Python syntax, software, what is computer, programming, programming languages, computer programming, what is coding, what is programming, contract programming, need a programmer, cyber program, tmbmnadim, Alpha Codist, python, Alpha Codist, blogger, Python problems to solve, pythopn free corse, get python corse for free, Learn Python for free



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Alpha Codist: Input- Python- Alpha Codist
Input- Python- Alpha Codist
input, input(), Learn Python, input is used to get input. just use input() to get input from the user. You can get input, pass it to a variable, and use that to make something. Python Problems, programming, java, software, PHP, C programming, programming languages, visual, Pascal, Perl, XML program, UNIX, cyber program, C++, HTML, CSS, Python syntax, software, what is computer, programming, programming languages, computer programming, what is coding, what is programming, contract programming, need a programmer, cyber program, tmbmnadim, Alpha Codist, python, Alpha Codist, blogger, Python problems to solve, pythopn free corse, get python corse for free, Learn Python for free
Alpha Codist
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